Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tough Day

Day 3- Kim is really feeling the effects of the chemo...She describes it like a bad flu- achy all over, nauseous, and tired.

But she's going toe to toe with chemo and has not given any ground.

The boys still make her laugh. Austin decided today that he wanted to have his 1:30 snack shirtless but with shoes. Anthony has learned that he can use his voice to scream. Loud. He really likes to use his new found power.


  1. The twins will make her toughest days much easier! Sorry to hear about the effects but do hope and pray it will get better! If you are up for visitors, please do let us know!

  2. Those boys are awesome. And for those who don't know Roland well "shirtless but with shoes" is his grocery shopping outfit, so watch out.

  3. Thinking about you Kim!

    Sending you a hug. ===>

    Roland should have it for you. So remind him next time you see him you want your hug. :)


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