Monday, November 11, 2013

Hair cut

I had a few inches cut from my hair this weekend, in hopes of making it a bit less dramatic when I lose it. I intended to go much shorter, but at the last moment I decided I wasn't ready. My mom and I also picked out some hats and scarves that will help me to feel a little less self conscious when the time comes. Feeling much better this week, and have a better appetite. And I will enjoy and appreciate every minute of feeling "well" during this week of recovery. I will be having my second treatment next Monday. Love to all!! ;)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You look great Kim. Sending you much love!

  3. You will look beautiful no matter what is on your head ;0) Love you girl!!!!

  4. Still looking beautiful!!! Praying every day for the healing hands of God to send you a cure. Love and prayers. Sharon B & family

  5. These updates mean the world to us. I love seeing you enjoy this recovery week, and we'll be thinking of you as you go into the next round!


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